Sendangsono Grotto

A. Overview

After a week being wrapped up with exhausting work and activities, there is nothing wrong with withdrawing yourself from all the business. For that, going on a vacation would be a good choice to refresh yourself. If you have been familiar with places such as beach, mountain, temple, museum, zoo, and so on, you should try a new experience by visiting an alternative tourist destination in Sendangsono.

Sendangsono is a Catholic pilgrimage complex and often touted as Indonesian Lourdes as it resembles the place of pilgrim in Lourdes, France. Situated in the area of Menoreh Hills far away from urban hullabaloo and air pollution, the place has the cool weather and tranquility conducive for praying and reflection. Despite being a Catholic place of pilgrimage, the site is open for public. There are visitors of various religious beliefs come in Sendangsono to merely savor the quiet and peaceful environment which can indeed be found here.

Before inaugurated as a place of Catholic pilgrimage by Romo J.B. Prennthaler SJ on December 8, 1929, the place had used to be a transit for pedestrians walking from Borobudur to Boro and vice versa. The place was made a transit due to the sendang (spring) in between the Sono trees—thus the name originated. It was also where the Budhist monks did their meditation.

As the Catholic teachings began to be proselytized in Kalibawang area, the spring was used by Father Van Lith to baptize 171 locals, including Barnabas Sarikromo as the first catechument. Later on, the place was reconstructed by Father Van Lith and his congregation to become a place of pilgrimage. At that time, the complex was not as wide as now, there was only Maria Cave, the chapel, and the yard next to the river.

Over the time, the place was inviting more and more pilgrims that it could no longer bear the visitors. In 1974, a reconstruction started to widen the site. The gradual construction was led by Father YB Mangunwijaya (Romo Mangun).

Typical of Romo Mangun’s architectural work, the concept of the reconstruction was conceived to have a Javanese atmosphere and be environment-friendly at the same time. The materials were taken from surrounding nature, even the workers were the locals living nearby. For that reason, Sendangsono was given the Aga Khan Awards by the Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (Indonesian Architect Organization) in 1991 for the category of special construction.

B. Features

To get to Sendangsono, you have to walk through a winding trail full of ups and downs. Entering the complex, you will find a stone gate and a line of peddlers selling souvenirs and worshipping equipments. The atmosphere is really peaceful and calm in there. There is no noise of vehicles or people shouting, only the sound of water flowing in a small stream and the tweet of birds welcoming you.

There are a lot of activities you can do here, praying in front of Maria Lourdes Cave, Sendangsono, performing the Stations of the Cross, or even merely enjoying the tranquility while reflecting in the chapel or in the panggung houses (houses built on stilt). You can also take a walk around relishing Sendangsono architecture, standing upon a small bridge while enjoying the beauty of the river below.

There are two alternative routes in Sendangsono to perform the Stations of the Cross. The first is the short one, which is usually taken by old people or visitors who do not have much time. Through the route, the spaces between stations are very close, only some steps away. The points are marked with a diorama of the story of Jesus’ misery under a small roof. The other route is the long one which starts from St. Maria Promasan Parish and ends at Maria Lourdes Cave. The route is around 1 km long and usually taken in certain times such as before Easter.

After performing the Stations of the Christ, you can pray in front of Maria Lourdes Cave. You can also write down your wish on a paper and put it in the fire pot. In the cave, there stands a statue of Holy Mary, which was bestowed by the Queen of Spain. The statue was brought there by the congregation from Sentolo to Sendangsono.

At last, you should not forget to take the spring water which is channeled through the water faucets at the side of the river. The water is believed to have the power to bring luck and to heal if drunk or used to wash a person’s face. The pilgrims usually carry small jerrycans or bottles to take the water home.

C. Location

The religious tourism object of Maria Lourdes Sendangsono Cave lies in the village of Banjaroyo, Kalibawang District, Kulonprogo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

D. Access

Sendangsono is situated at Menoreh Hills, near with the border of Yogyakarta and Central Java Province. From downtown Yogyakarta, there are two routes to get to the tourist destination. The first is through Godean street that goes to Kalibawang area, Kulonprogo. The other route is through the main road of Yogyakarta-Magelang. From Yogyakarta, turn left near the Muntilan Market. To get to the site, it may take around 45 minutes from Yogyakarta by motorcycle or car.

If you come from Magelang, Purworejo or Semarang, you can take the highway connecting Salaman and Wates. In Bendo area, you will find a direction board showing the way to Sendangsono.

One thing important is that the road to Sendangsono is steep, winding, and only 4 meter wide. Thus tourists’ buses cannot get into the parking area and have to stop at Bendo instead. To get to the location, visitors coming by bus can take an ojek (motorcycle taxi) or rent a car in Bendo.

You can also reach the place by public transportation from Yogyakarta or Magelang. From Yogyakarta, take a bus to Wates, stop at Palbapang, Sentolo. From there, you should change the bus to Magelang and stop at Bendo. You can also take a Jogja-Nanggulan bus and drop off at Bendo. If you depart from Magelang, take a bus to Wates, drop off at Bendo and continue the trip by ojek or on foot.

E. Ticket

To have a pilgrimage or merely pray in Sendangsono, there is no charge. However, if you want to give a donation, you can put the money in the box in several spots. Besides, you can also give an alms in person to the custodians.

F. Accomodations and Facilities

As a place of pilgrimage often crowded by visitors, Maria Lourdes Sendangsono Cave has been equipped with various supporting facilities, from wide parking lot, public convenience, souvenir kiosks and food stalls, health clinic, security post, to panggung houses which are available for the visitors to take a rest with permission of the custodians. In the complex, there are some chapels, the grave of Barnabas Sarikromo (the first catechumen), and St. Maria Lourdes Promasan Parish. Aside from being a place of pilgrimage, the cave often functions as a place for performing Mass or Eucharist.

Another facilitiy currently (April, 2010) being constructed is a special route for disabled people and elderlies. Knowing that Sendangsono unique architecture has so many staircases, next to the paths are know being made special lanes for wheelchair. So, people can still perform the Stations of the Christ even by sitting on their wheelchairs and despite the short distance.

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Video Tari Angguk

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Wisata Kulon Progo -- Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta
Kantor Pusat : Jalan Dandels, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta
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Telp./ Fax : (0274) 7861093 / (0274) 7861133

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Wisata Budaya Krumpyung

Krumpyung merupakan seni musik tradisional khas Kulon Progo dengan iringan alat musik yang semuanya terbuat dari bambu. Biasanya lagu-lagu yang dibawakan adalah langgam jawa, uyon-uyon, campur sari. Yang unik dari krumpyung ini adalah nada yang digunakan merupakan laras slendro dan pelog menyerupai gamelan Jawa. Hanya saja, dalam kesenian Krumpyung ini, untuk membunyikan gong dengan cara ditiup dan dipukul. Kesenian Krumpyung ini terdapat di dusun Tegiri, desa Hargowilis, kecamatan Kokap. Saat ini alat musik Krumpyung yang semuanya terbuat dari bambu banyak diminati para pecinta alat musik tradisional atau para kolektor dari berbagai daerah dan luar negeri.

Wisata Budaya Tari Oglek

Oglek merupakan salah satu kesenian rakyat tradisional dengan jenis tarian berkelompok yang biasa dipentaskan di tempat terbuka dengan durasi kurang-lebih 1 sampai 2 jam. Pentas Oglek diiringi dengan seperangkat alat musik berupa 3 terbang sesar, 1 terbang kecil, 2 bende, 1 kendang, 1 gong, dengan sistem nada slendro. Biasanya dalam pentas Oglek ini ada penari yang "in trance", dalam bahasa jawa "kesurupan". Beberapa grup Oglek yang ada antara lain berada di desa Tuksono, kecamatan Sentolo, desa Tanjungharjo, kecamatan Nanggulan, dan di desa Krembangan, kecamatan Panjatan.

Wisata Budaya Tari Angguk

Kesenian Angguk merupakan satu dari sekian banyak jenis kesenian rakyat yang ada di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Kesenian angguk berbentuk tarian disertai dengan pantun-pantun rakyat yang berisi pelbagai aspek kehidupan manusia, seperti: pergaulan dalam hidup bermasyarakat, budi pekerti, nasihat-nasihat dan pendidikan. Dalam kesenian ini juga dibacakan atau dinyanyikan kalimat-kalimat yang ada dalam kitab Tlodo, yang walaupun bertuliskan huruf Arab, namun dilagukan dengan cengkok tembang Jawa. Nyanyian tersebut dinyanyikan secara bergantian antara penari dan pengiring tetabuhan. Selain itu, terdapat satu hal yang sangat menarik dalam kesenian ini, yaitu adanya pemain yang “ndadi” atau mengalami trance pada saat puncak pementasannya. Sebagian masyarakat Yogyakarta percaya bahwa penari angguk yang dapat “ndadi” ini memiliki “jimat” yang diperoleh dari juru-kunci pesarean Begelen, Purworejo.

Tarian angguk diperkirakan muncul sejak zaman Belanda1, sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur kapada Tuhan setelah panen padi. Untuk merayakannya, para muda-mudi bersukaria dengan bernyanyi, menari sambil mengangguk-anggukkan kepala. Dari sinilah kemudian melahirkan satu kesenian yang disebut sebagai “angguk”. Tari angguk biasa digelar di pendopo atau di halaman rumah pada malam hari. Para penontonnya tidak dipungut biaya karena pertunjukan kesenian angguk umumnya dibiayai oleh orang yang sedang mempunyai hajat (perkawinan, perayaan 17 Agustus-an dan lain-lain).

Tarian yang disajikan dalam kesenian angguk terdiri dari dua jenis, yaitu: (1) tari ambyakan, adalah tari angguk yang dimainkan oleh banyak penari. Tarian ambyakan terdiri dari tiga macam yaitu: tari bakti, tari srokal dan tari penutup; dan (2) tari pasangan, adalah tari angguk yang dimainkan secara berpasangan. Tari pasangan ini terdiri dari delapan macam, yaitu: tari mandaroka, tari kamudaan, tari cikalo ado, tari layung-layung, tari intik-intik, tari saya-cari, tari jalan-jalan, dan tari robisari.

Pada mulanya angguk hanya dimainkan oleh kaum laki-laki saja. Namun, dalam perkembangan selanjutnya tarian ini juga dimainkan oleh kaum perempuan. Para pemain angguk ini mengenakan busana yang terdiri dari dua macam, yaitu busana yang dikenakan oleh kelompok penari dan busana yang dikenakan oleh kelompok pengiring. Busana yang dikenakan oleh kelompok penari mirip dengan busana prajurit Kompeni Belanda, yaitu: (1) baju berwarna hitam berlengan panjang yang dibagian dada dan punggunya diberi hiasan lipatan-lipatan kain kecil yang memanjang serta berkelok-kelok; (2) celana sepanjang lutut yang dihiasi pelet vertikal berwarna merah-putih di sisi luarnya; (3) topi berwarna hitam dengan pinggir topi diberi kain berwarna merah-putih dan kuning emas. Bagian depan topi ini memakai “jambul” yang terbuat dari rambut ekor kuda atau bulu-bulu; (3) selendang yang digunakan sebagai penyekat antara baju dan celana; (4) kacamata hitam; (5) kaos kaki selutut berwarna merah atau kuning; dan (6) rompi berwarna-warni. Sedangkan busana yang dikenakan oleh kelompok pengiring adalah: (1) baju biasa; (2) jas; (3) sarung; dan (4) kopiah.

Peralatan musik yang digunakan untuk mengiringi tari Angguk diantaranya adalah: (1) kendang; (2) bedug; (3) tambur; (4) kencreng; (5) rebana 2 buah; (6) terbang besar dan (6) jedor.

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Nah sekaranglah saatnya Anda mengetahui dimana tempat tempat KULINER yang bisa Anda kunjungi di malam hari. Diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut:
  1. Angkringan Mbak Ika, letaknya di simpanglima patung Nyi Ageng Serang, Karangnongko, wates, Kulonprogo. Disana anda bisa menikmatiBerbagai macam menu makanan ala angkringan, tapi ada sesuatu yang spesial disini yaitu anda bisa menikmati minuman bajigur yang rasanya sungguh sangat bisa menghangatkan suasana malam anda bersama rekan rekan anda semuanya.
  2. Angkringan Ceret Telu, letaknya di sebelah barat Patung Nyi Ageng serang, Karang Nongko sebelah Utara Jalan. Disini anda bisa menikmati Kupat Sayur yang sangat lezat serta Susu Jahe untuk penghangat malam. Angkringan ceret telu juga menyediakan banyak sekali menu makanan ala angkringan dengan harga yang relatif terjangkau. 
  3. Angkirngan Mas Johan. Tempatnya ada di depan Koprasi Ganesa, pengasih Kulonprogo. Disini anda juga bisa menikmati Nasi bakar yang sangat nikmat dan suasana ramah mas johan yang mungkin bisa anda ajak bercanda ria. Selain itu anda juga bisa menikmati jahe anget yang sangat melegakan tenggorokan anda semua. Dengan menu makanan yang ada anda mungkin juga bisa mengenal beberapa orang yang mempunyai nilai seni tinggi. 
  4. Bakmi Jawa Karang Nongko. Bertempat di sebelahan dengan pos polisi karang nongko, Disini anda bisa benar benar menikmati bagaimana nikmatnya bakmi jawa. dengan penyajian ala jawa, pastinya mampu meberikan cita rasa tersendiri, jangan di lihat dari penjualnya yang sudah nenek nenek tapi lihatlah kebersihan dan betapa nikmat rasa bakmi jawa tersebut. saya jamin anda pasti ketagihan. Selain itu anda disini juga bisa memesan kupat tahu, atau yang biasa disebut dengan tahu kupat. yang benar benar sangat bisa membuat lidah kita bergoyang. masih ada lagi, yang belum lengkap tanpa anda memesan wedang ronde atau wedang watukan yang mungkin jarang ada orang yang mengetahuinya. diramu secara khusus wedang ronde dan wedang watukan ini mampu menghangatkan suasana malam anda. 
  5. Bakmi jawa jolali kentheng. Lokasinya ada di sebelah utara tugu potlot kentheng, dengan harga yang relatif sangat murah sekali, anda bisa menikmati rasa bakmi jawa yang lumayan enak. dan di jamin perut anda pasti akan minta nambah lagi. 
  6. Bakmi Jawa Pak Domo, berada di jalan kentheng brosot km 1,4 belik demangrejo sentolo kulonprogo. disini dengan uang sebesar 6000 rupiah anda bisa menikmati bakmi jawa baik mie goreng maupun rebus dengan kenyang dan rasa yang begitu nikmat sekali. 
  7. Empek Empek Palembang. Weit jangan salah sangka, jenis makanan khas palembang ini bisa kita dapatkan di depan kantor depnaker kabupaten kulonprogo. dengan harga yang relatif meriah anda bisa menikmati rasa empek empek yang sangat luar biasa nikmat. dan di jamin anda pasti ketagihan pingin lagi dan lagi.

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Banjarsari Tourism Village Kulon Progo District - D.I. Yogyakarta - Indonesia

A. Overview
Banjarsari is a village located in Kulon Progo Regency. Recently, Banjarsari village has been an interesting tourism village to visit. Local and foreign tourists make this village to be their destination during holiday. They want to relieve their boredom after routines. This village offers natural atmosphere which is unique, fresh, beautiful, and green. Having this kind of natural potential, Banjarsari tourism village adds unique attractivenes to tourism of Yogyakarta.
Banjarsari rural tourism provides original and artificial beautiful nature potential resembling Ancol, in form of water park located along the bank of Progo River. This water park was built to entertain visitors who want to have fun on water. The water comes from the natural and fresh stream of Progo River. There are also several antique Javanese traditional houses intentionally built to keep the atmosphere of old Java.
In addition, visitors can enjoy the beauty of natural view in Banjarsari. The green and beautiful village atmosphere is conserved by local community together with Tourism Agency of Kulonprogo. Local community agrees to keep the beauty and cleanliness of the village as well as the hospitality toward visitors. Conserving this condition, Banjarsari can be an interesting tourist destination.
Banjarsari Tourism Village also performs various traditional arts and attractions to entertain visitors. The traditional arts, including karawitan (art of gamelan music), wayang kulit (shadow play with leather puppets), jathilan (horse dance), and angguk dance, are occasionally performed, especially on Sunday. Many food stalls provide unique food of Kulonprogo, such as slondok (fried cassavas ring), gethuk (snack of crushed cassava to which sugar and coconut have been added), cassavas fritter, and Areca palm sugar.
B. Features
Banjarsari tourism village has its own uniqueness which can amaze visitors, such as the natural atmosphere of village which is continuously preserved. This feature must be exciting for visitors longing for the atmosphere of ancient Java. The hospitality of local people along with various special food of Java offered by them make the Javanese village atmosphere more obvious.
Another feature of Banjarsari tourism village is the use of water from Progo River in the water park. This part is surely important, thus local people are supposed to maintain the cleanliness of the river. For visitors who are interested in environmental research, the behaviour of Banjarsari people must be an interesting object to analyze.
C. Location
The location of this tourism village is in Banjarsari Village, Kalibawang Subdistrict, Samigaluh District, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta.
D. Access
The access to Banjarsari is relatively easy, using either public or private transportation. Moreover, Banjarsari is already well-known. From Yogyakarta bus station, you can take public bus route Kulon Progo and stop at Wates bus station. After that, take another transportation service going right into Banjarsari Village.
E. Ticket
There is no charge to enter this tourism village. Visitors are only expected to keep the environment fine and clean.
F. Accommodations and Other Facilities
Banjarsari Tourism Village provides various interesting accommodations and facilities, such as:
·      Tourism package of village exploration, that is viewing the nature and Progo River, watching and learning traditional art and culture such as wayang kulit, jathilan, karawitan, and angguk dance, learning to make special food, such as slondok, gethuk, cassavas fritter and areca palm sugar.
·      Numbers of inns and guest houses with interesting building and reasonable rent of about Rp 50.000,00/person including three times meal.
·      Meeting room with a capacity of 50 persons and reasonable rental fee.
·      Clean toilet.
·      Information center which serves visitors well and friendly.
·      Shopping center offering snacks, such as slondok, cassavas fritter, areca palm sugar, as well as other snacks and drinks.
·      Wide parking area with the capacity of 30 cars, 150 motorcycles, and two buses.

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